Embracing Mourning: A Guide to Healing After Loss
The loss of a loved one is a difficult and painful experience that we all face at some point in our lives. The grief and sorrow that comes with this loss can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to see how life can go on without them. In times like these, it is important to remember that our loved ones are never truly gone and that their spirit lives on in the non-physical realm. In this guide to healing after loss, we will explore the idea of embracing the time we had with our loved ones, and the healing power of mourning.
It is natural to feel a deep sense of loss and sadness when we lose someone we love. This grief can feel all-consuming. While we may no longer be able to see or touch them, they are still present in our lives. It is up to us to embrace the time we had with them and cherish the memories we shared.
Mourn ’til You Can’t Mourn Anymore
One of the most healing things we can do after the loss of a loved one is to mourn them. Mourning is often seen as a negative experience, but it is actually a healthy and necessary part of the healing process. It allows us to express our grief and process our emotions in a healthy way. Mourning gives us the opportunity to honor our loved ones and acknowledge the impact they had on our lives.
While it can be tempting to push our grief aside and try to move on quickly, it is important to allow ourselves to feel the emotions that come with loss. Burying our feelings can be harmful, and it can lead to more intense and prolonged grief in the long run. Embracing our grief and allowing it to surface is an important step in healing and moving forward. Even if you attempt to avoid the intense emotional pain, it merely resurfaces in your life in alternative ways that are beyond your control. Worst of all, it ultimately begins to sever the connection between you and your loved one in the non-physical realm. So, feel the feels. All of them. Until you begin to notice that today no longer hurts as badly as yesterday. Then you know your healing has begun.
The Pendulum Will Swing
It can be helpful to remember that our loved ones would want us to live our lives to the fullest, even in their absence. They would want us to cherish the time we had with them and use it as a source of strength and inspiration instead of focusing on what we have lost, we can choose to focus on the love and joy they brought into our lives.
Losing a loved one is never easy, but it is important to remember that we are not alone. Our loved ones continue to live on in the non-physical realm, and we can find comfort in the memories we shared with them. Embracing our grief and allowing ourselves time to mourn is an important part of the healing process. It gives us the opportunity to honor our loved ones and acknowledge the impact they had on our lives. So, as you navigate this difficult time, remember to embrace the time you had with your loved one, cherish the memories you shared, and most importantly, keep their spirit close as you continue along your own journey in their honor.
Make a bereavement Wishbox for someone you love who is mourning today!